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What's New

Check the Activity Calendar for a list of the current month's activities.


Board of Directors Election

The 2024 BOD election process opened Monday, July 1st and will close on Friday, August 2ed.  There are three open board positions which means that we need at least four candidates.  You can pickup an application to run from the front desk or download one here.  Please consider applying.


More information about the election process is available here.







Karaoke is on Tuesday, July 16th from 5:30 – 7:30 in the Fiesta Room. 


Finance Committee Meeting


The finance committee has changed its meeting to July 17th at 1:30 in the conference room.  Residents are always welcome to attend committee meetings.

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Barrio Bread


Don Guerra will be back to sell his wonderful bread on Wednesday, July 17th at 3:00 p.m. in the Craft Room.  Please remember:  up to two loaves per household & no pre-orders.

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2nd Friday Game Night


Tuesday, July 23rd from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Fiesta Room.  Bring your friends, snacks and favorite beverages!




Sunflower Toastmasters

There will be a meeting on July 31st at 5:30 PM in the Fiesta room to determine the interest in our community for a new Toastmasters club.  It is my understanding that we need at least 20 members to participate and we need to determine if can obtain that many and start working on the membership.  Here is some information that you might find  helpful:  I will bring additional information and answer questions.  Please consider attending if you have any interest in participating.



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Tech Club Sunday Help Sessions


Tech Help Session will be offered on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Craft Room.  Come and get help or give help, either way, it's all about the tech.   The next session is August 11th.



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Sunflower Neighbors


The new email address to contact Katta Mapes for a ride or to volunteer is




Sunflower Arts & Crafts Festival

The 2024 Sunflower Arts and Crafts Festival will take place November 8th & 9th with set up on the 7th.  Sunflower residents can download  an information sheet and application here or pick them up at the front desk.  Leave your completed application along with your check at the front desk by September 15th.  We have 20 applications as of July 3rd.  Nonresidents can apply through friends or family members who are residents if we have space after September 15th.




All About Arizona Snakes

Arizona is home to a large variety of snakes, including six varieties of rattle snakes -- the Western Diamondback being the most common.  The only other venomous snake found in Arizona is the Coral Snake; they are shy and rarely seen by humans.  Rattle snakes will not strike at humans (or dogs) unless they feel threatened.  If you have a dog that likes the chase things, you should ask your veterinarian about getting snake avoidance training.

This article from the Oracle Fire Department contains excellent information on avoiding rattle snakes and what to do - and not do - if you should happen to be bitten:  This article, “Living with Snakes Basics for New Arizona Residents”, contains just about everything you need to know, including a good identification guide.



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Toad Season – Warning!

Several toad species can be found during monsoon, but the one to be most cautious about is the Sonoran Desert Toad.  These amphibians contain a hallucinogenic toxin that can be fatal to pets if they pick one up in their mouth.  If this happens, immediately rinse the pet’s mouth out with a garden hose from front to back and contact your veterinarian.  For humans, the same toxin can also pose a threat.  Immediately wash your hands thoroughly if you come into contact with one.


Smaller Spadeftoot Toads are more common and non-toxic.  They spend most of their lives underground and emerge during monsoon to mate.



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Sunflower Veterans' Club

The food and housing insecure veterans are still in need of water, shelf stable food (peanut butter, canned meat, cereal, milk, etc.) and hygiene products through the Patriots Pantry and clothing through the VA homeless program.   You can donate in the baskets by the community center lobby rear doors.  Thank you to the Sunflower community for all your support.





Due to excessive heat, items most needed are:  electrolyte tablets/powder, bottled electrolyte waters (Gatorade/Powerade, etc.), bottled water and single serve healthy snacks.  They are currently on hold for clothing, except for new men's and women's underwear.  Please place your donations in the box outside to the left of the Village Center doors.  Thanks for your generous donations.



Facility Hours and
Contact Information

Sunflower Community Association
9401 N. Sunflower Park Drive
Tucson, AZ 85743
Phone: (520) 572-9780 Fax: (520) 572-8724


Sunflower Village Center Hours of Operation
Monday - Saturday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Sunday: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Swimming Pool Hours of Operation
Daily 5:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.


Fitness Center Hours of Operation
Daily 5:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.


Click here for staff contact information.


Living with Arizona Wildlife.


Send a question or comment to us here.

Sunflower Forecast

Tucson Air Quality

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Copyright © 2023 - 2024 by Sunflower Homeowners Association

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