An announcement for your club's or group's event or meeting can be submitted here.

Volunteers Needed
Several Sunflower committees are in need of new members. The committees meet once a month, usually for an hour or so and could really use some more volunteers. Please consider attending one of the meetings to see if you’re interested. The Election Committee, Governance Committee, Landscape and ARC committees are actively recruiting. You can obtain a committee application from the front desk or online.

Pop Tennis
We play Pop Tennis on Wednesdays at 3PM on courts 1 and 2. We have all the equipment; all you have to do is show up. We use one court for game play and the other for skills development for beginners. We are a small group so there is usually no waiting to play! Contact chris.schatte@gmail.com or text 231-715-6490 with any questions.

Sunflower Hiking Group
If you would like to be added to the Sunflower Hiker’s Google Group to receive information about upcoming hikes, please email hopecollins65@gmail.com.
Veterans Club
The next Sunflower Community Veterans Club meeting will be Wednesday, April 2ed, at 10:00 a.m. in the Fiesta Room and on Zoom. Come enjoy the coffee, donuts and comradery. The speaker will be Monica Oxford with the Center for Development and Civic Engagement (former VA volunteer services) to discuss what our donations support, and other opportunities to donate and volunteer.

Spring Decoration Exchange
The holiday décor exchange table for spring and Easter will take place from April 3rd to 5th. The tables will be located in the hallway to the Fitness room in the Village Center, as before. If you have spring or Easter items you no longer want, just place them on the tables. If you need some decorations, then check out what’s there and take what you want. The left-over donations will be donated to a charity.

Donations for Veterans
The Sunflower Veterans Club continues to accept shelf stable food (canned meats, fruits and vegetables, soups, rice, cereal, pasta, and milk), personal hygiene items, and clothing donations in the baskets by the north doors of the center.
The following items are currently needed by Primavera: new socks & underwear, tampons, non-perishable healthy snacks, toiletries (especially shampoo & conditioner) and large size men’s shoes in good used condition. We are now accepting Spring/Summer clothing donations. Clothing in good condition for men is needed in all sizes but only in smaller sizes for women. The donation box continues to be located outside of the main entrance to the Center.