Vintage Gardeners
Club Website (if applicable)
To develop programs and activities for Sunflower Community residents who enjoy and wish to preserve the flora and fauna of our desert environment; to educate and encourage respect for our delicate environment through educational and social programs; to provide community service to the Sunflower Association; and to identify projects for the beautification of the Sunflower community that enhances our part in preserving our ever-changing environment.
Membership Requirements/Dues
The membership year is January 1 through December 31. Officers term of office is also January 1 through December 31. Officer elections are held during the November General Membership meeting.
Meeting Times/Location
Check their Club Pages.
Contact Person(s)
To obtain this information contact the Village Center at 520-572-9780
Special Notes
The Vintage Gardener activity year is November 1 through April 30.